Careers at ULGM

Want to join a team dedicated to eliminating social and economic barriers for African Americans, other people of color, and the economically disadvantaged in Dane County by transforming our community into a place of opportunity, personal and professional growth, prosperity, and success for everyone? Join the ULGM team that lives the Urban League’s core values everyday as it makes Greater Madison the Best in the Midwest for people to live, learn, and work.

Current Job Openings


PASS AmeriCorps

Partners in After School Success (PASS)?AmeriCorps members provide literacy tutoring, run youth development programs and engage youth in community service. This is a great opportunity to connect with youth and gain valuable experience.?? PASS Americorps Website

ADVANCE Your Career!

Job boards and classified ads only include about 20% of all available jobs. The Urban League can help you uncover the other 80%! We offer an array of FREE job training, placement, and coaching services as well as access to a network of the region’s premier employers.

Our Locations

Center for Workforce & Economic Development
2222 S. Park St. | Madison, WI 53713

Southwest Madison Employment Center
1233 McKenna Blvd. | Madison, WI 53719



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Join Us!

We rely on over 500 volunteers, 10,000 hours of volunteerism, donations from individuals, and sponsorship of our events and programs to ensure our services are free. Join us in fulfilling our mission!

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