ADVANCE Employment Services
Employment Services
Looking to advance your career?


The Urban League of Greater Madison’s Workforce Development Department seeks to connect job seekers to sustainable employment opportunities. We work to remove barriers that might keep job seekers from gainful employment.

Employ. Educate. Empower.

We got out of prison, we came to Madison, and we started looking for jobs… because of the Urban League, I was able to get into my career, because of the Urban League, my husband was able to get into his career, and because of our careers we were able to buy a house.

Graduate, Foundations for the Trades Program

Free Membership

Sign up to receive free career counseling, job leads, resume and cover letter assistance, access to our career academies, referrals to our network of employer partners, and much more. All at no cost!

Job Leads

Our network of employer partners includes some of the Madison region’s top employers.

Contact Us

Contact us today to advance your career!
Call (608) 729-1200

FoodShare Employment Provider

The Urban League is a certified FoodShare Employment & Training agency. Participation in our programs can help you fulfill FoodShare work requirements and also access certain other benefits.

United Way HIRE Initiative

Because of our proud partnership with the United Way HIRE Initiative, as a ULGM member you will gain access to jobs with dozens of local HIRE Employer Partners paying $15 per hour or more. You may also qualify for childcare assistance, micro-loans, housing assistance, and more!

Upcoming Programs

july, 2024

Major Funding for Urban League Employment Services is Provided By

ADVANCE Your Career!

Job boards and classified ads only include about 20% of all available jobs. The Urban League can help you uncover the other 80%! We offer an array of FREE job training, placement, and coaching services as well as access to a network of the region’s premier employers.

Our Locations

Center for Workforce & Economic Development
2222 S. Park St. | Madison, WI 53713

Southwest Madison Employment Center
1233 McKenna Blvd. | Madison, WI 53719



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Join Us!

We rely on over 500 volunteers, 10,000 hours of volunteerism, donations from individuals, and sponsorship of our events and programs to ensure our services are free. Join us in fulfilling our mission!

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